Tips To Get Ready For an Australian Citizenship Test

Tips To Get Ready For an Australian Citizenship Test

If you want to become an Australian Citizen, you have to evaluate yourself based on criteria set out by the Australian Government. If you have fulfilled all the eligibility criteria, you are eligible for the Australian Citizenship Test.

The Australian Citizenship consists of 20 multiple-choice questions that are computer-based. The test is always unique as the questions are randomly selected by the database. Out of 20 MCQs, 5 questions are on key values of Australia which you need to answer correctly. To pass, you have to score 75%.

To prepare yourself thoroughly, you need to equip yourself with dedicated preparation. Here we will share some important tips that gave success to many candidates who passed the exam with flying colours.

Learn From the Reference Book

The Common Bond booklet has all the information that should be memorized and learned. The book covers all the syllabus related to Australian values, people, geography, legal bodies, democracy, etc. The book is available in many languages so that immigrants can easily grasp the underlying concept in their language. Reading content in your native language ensures that you have a solid understanding of the foundation. Once you have finished the book in your language, it is recommended to read the content again in English. This will help you to solve the questions that you will encounter.

Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond Volumes

There are two volumes: booklet 1 and booklet 2.

Book 1

Volume 1 provides a foundational understanding of what it means to be an Australian citizen. It covers the following topics

  • Australian values
  • Traditions
  • Government
  • History
  • Culture
  • The rights and responsibilities of citizens

Book 2

This volume discusses Australia's political and legal system in-depth and covers the following topics

  • Australia's government
  • The democratic process
  • The rule of law
  • The Australian way of life (e.g. sports, arts, entertainment etc)

Based on how much content you know, you can either choose any of these or both for learning purposes. Keep in mind that both books are essential study materials for individuals preparing for the Australian citizenship test.

Our Common Bond Podcast

If you have memorized content from the official guidebook, listening to the Common Bond Podcast can help you reinforce the learned information. You can listen to the podcast while travelling, cooking or whenever you are free. There are 5 short episodes and you can download these episodes from Spotify, google podcast or iTunes.

Questions Related to Australian Values

As mentioned before there will be 5 questions of Australian values that you will encounter in the exam. It is mandatory to score well in all of these 5 questions. These Australian values include

  • Everyone is equal under the law and has equal rights
  • Everyone has the freedom to follow their religion
  • Every individual who is 18 or above has a right to vote
  • Australian citizens have every right to choose or dissociate from the group or organization
  • Australians are expected to treat each other with tolerance and respect, even when they hold differing opinions or beliefs
  • Violence is not accepted in Australia

Take an Online Practice Test

One can not emphasize enough the importance of the online Practice Citizenship Test Australia. The more mock tests you give, the more chances you have to pass the test. Even if English is not your first language, start taking mock tests as soon as you start your preparation. This will help you to identify keywords that you can link with questions. It will elaborate your understanding and allow your brain to grasp the hints. The format and difficulty level of the online practice test is similar to that of the Australian Citizenship Test.

The other important thing about taking a mock test is that it helps you to identify gaps in your preparation. After evaluating your weak areas, you can focus more on specific topics and enhance your preparation.

Don’t Take Stress

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. So what if you failed the test? Don’t worry, you will never lose residency. Keep in mind that there is no limit to retaking the test. Many candidates score well in their second or third attempt.

Retake the Test

If you have failed the test with a small margin, then it means that you are well prepared and need a bit more preparation. It is recommended to take a few days' break, rest your body and mind and then spend more time on challenging topics.

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